Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Day Tourz@Malacca

Yesterday was labour day...throughout 1 year of last come this holiday..but i not sitting still at know what...still need to wake early in morning like doing the same routine everyday going 2 work..apahal mau macam ni susah!!!holiday pun tak mau rest kat rumah...well bcoz we are going 2 malacca..wif my dad didn't go to malacca b4..wake up 6.30 am then wait until 7.30am car only come fetch us..during this time vince and i pergi mc'd beli breakfast...vince and i share..i get the egg mc'muffin and she get the hash brown and milo...besides that we also take a lot of food with us..macam buffet-in-car...sudah makan habis..we like piggies "oink-oink" until reach last we have reach our destination..time is 8.30 liao..and again..EAT!!!..juz finish mc'd haven't digest now go eat the famous chicken rice ball near the red building(the staduhys)sorry bout the spelling..after finish we walk through jonker street see got what buy and exercise a hot out there...vince and i like going to be "orang kering" already...luckily i got bring my jonker street i bought 2 shorts...then we walk back to where we eat the chicken rice ball opposite there is 1 building call "san shu gong" selling souveniers to bring back kl...bought a lot of things..then i ate again...DURIAN CENDOL...OMG!!!this thing really got to sweeten ur heart..the durian flavour just stay in ur mulut...vince dun like durian so she just see us eat..the packaging is so cute...then at there my dad,vince and i wait while my mom and vince aunty(lai lai)which i normally call her for them to come mom go to buy mahjong..kl cannot buy meh must go to malacca..dunno now the time is the staduhys my dad and mom went to rent the beca while we wait for them...didn't follow them coz let them "romantic"...hehehe...after that at 2.00pm we went to melaka raya to yes...EAT again..this time it's nyonya ate so to burst many ppl there waiting for a place to last found a place..order liao..chicken,prawn,fish,otak-otak,soup and vege..wait for the food..the waitress all like go there go non-stop..then 1 waitress come put down the tea..we request for ice..but she say"i sangat sibuk 1,apahal tadi tak mau cakap"then gone missing..well since nobody take for us..vince and i jadi the waitress lo...sendiri pergi ambil dad also jadi the only waiter there...hahaha...OMG..sekarang our perut all jadi megandung already..range from 3mths-6mths...and talking about the soup(my dad 1st say tak mau) coz he dun like to drink soup..but at last we convince him to drink..and walau after 1st sip..he fall in love with the soup liao..non-stop already..drink more than i liao..then now 3.30pm we thought of going to shopping mall but just can't find a parking space..gave we decided to go back kl liao...our malacca trip is like that..looks like a eat trip..makan makan saja..on the way reach mom say"mau pergi port dickson onot"..ok 5.00pm we reach port at the beach..let the sea breeze there lai lai like kids.."tangkap ketam"..of coz not the big ones..the kecil-kecil one..vince and 1 main mom and dad sitting at the bench see us after 1 hour we like sticky-sticky mom&dad ask us to leave now...lai lai caught a few crabs and brought back to kl...dun know how is the crabs now...sorry crabs..not mean to hurt 6.00pm we are heading back to kl...wohoo...then i the car we suggest where to EAT our dinner..we suggested to eat when we were back in kl...then my dad say"why not we go to my friend's dad restaurant" friend cindy's dad open a restaurant at old klang 7.00pm we reach there...EAT dad order "crab"...yes..."Crab"..this is their restaurant's famous dish...again ate a last we were at home the time it's already 10.00pm...after a long day "EAT" trip...get a bath and sleep..and tommorow is a "BAD DAY" again...


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